Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New OMST Site online

We just upgraded our web servers to have a full library of oxygen multistep information. You can freely access these advanced protocols, including all of Ardenne's methods at these sites
  • Oxygen Multistep Therapy was developed by Manfred von Ardenne.  The therapy works by using a short term increase in plasma oxygen to reverse capillary swelling which blocks blood flow.
  • Altitude Contrast Training is a method that combines OMST with simulated high altitude training to enhance stress adaptivity of the body.
  • Hypoxic Fatigue is the long term effect of stress induced physiology.  Stress causes a breakdown which reduces plasma oxygen, which in turn triggers vascular inflammation and finally degeneration.  Hypoxic fatigue is describes the process that reduces cellular energy as a result of this degenerative process. 
  • WHNLive eBooks is the location of our publications which provide full video and text explanations of cell physiology emphasizing cellular energetics as a therapy priority.
  • WHNLive HowTo Library is a library of methods which describe detoxification protocols useful to restore health after a wide range of conditions.